Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I have a soft spot for old texts, and Google Books, BHL, and others are a real boon in that they make some older texts available for web browsing. I particularly enjoy old bestiaries and natural history books, and I was pointed to this little gem earlier today: http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/38946323#page/105/mode/1up

I am not sure how the aerodynamics would work out on those creatures, but I might have to give it a whirl just for fun.

Stay tuned for a post on real aerial dragons.


  1. I can't WAIT for the next post...:) You should look at all the main "varieties" of dragons - the hexapod, the wyvern, and the Amphiptere (and let me know if you need some quick sketches ;)

  2. Adrian L. J. SchneiderJuly 25, 2012 at 6:21 PM

    My heart leapt when I saw the title. One of my off-and-on hobbies is trying to devise the closest creature I can to a mythological dragon while keeping to something that could actually evolve and exist. (My least-incomplete models use pterosaurs as a base, since they were actual winged reptilian quadrupeds.)

    Alas, it wasn't quite what I hoped. Still, a lot of fun to see. I would be extremely interested to see what you'd be able to come up with.

    The real dragons… dragonflies, I'm guessing? Or perhaps Draco volans? I suppose I'll find out!

    1. Actually, I am going to run a post on the biomech of hypothetical fantasy dragons, after I discuss some of the real world varieties. I hope it meets expectations!
